198: Build the Life YOU Want by Unlocking Your Next Vivid Vision with Jennifer Hudye

by neeta bhushan


Hey there, Brave Table fam! Today, we’re all about the grind, the grit, making strides toward our dreams, and diving deep into a pivotal question that can shape the course of your life: What’s your vision of yourself, your life, and who you want to be? We’re tackling the importance of showing up, giving it everything you’ve got, and never backing down until you’ve reached your destination.  And joining us is Jennifer Hudye, the mastermind behind Vivid Vision, here to shake things up and remind us that it’s okay to veer off the well-trodden path, even when everyone else is sticking to the script. Jennifer will take us on a journey of self-discovery, exploring how to define your vision, overcome obstacles, and stay true to yourself in the pursuit of your dreams. Get ready for some serious motivation as we explore the power of forging your way to success. Let’s jump in!

What you’ll get out of this episode… 

  • The Essence of Vision: From envisioning our ideal selves to defining our life’s purpose, and the process of discovering what truly matters to us and setting ambitious yet attainable goals.
  • Defining Your Vivid Vision: strategies for clarifying and articulating your vivid vision by painting a vivid picture of your desired future, you can gain clarity, motivation, and direction, paving the way for success.
  • Straying from the Norm: In a world where conformity is often prized, Jennifer embraces uniqueness and dares to stray from the norm. She shares personal anecdotes and insights on how following your intuition and forging your path can lead to fulfillment and success.

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If you loved this episode, make sure you…
– Follow us on Instagram @neetabhushan & @thebravetable 

– Connect with Jennifer Hudye on Instagram @jennhudye

– Website: visiondrivenglobal.com, vividvisionretreat.com, vividvision.com

And if you loved this episode, check out:

  • Episode 193: Solocast – How To Stop Taking Things Personally & Take Personal Responsibility. Apple | Spotify
  • Episode 139: From Harvard & Goldman Sachs to South Asian Storytelling with Nora Ali. Apple | Spotify
  • Episode 109: How Embracing Non-Negotiables sets Healthy Boundaries in Parenting & Relationships with Monika Zands. Apple | Spotify

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Yooo! Get the inside scoop & behind-the-scenes mini-trainings from some of our favorite guests here when you become a Brave Table Insider. See you on the inside! There is still time to join me on my exclusive 3-day Fly Forward retreat. Pour into yourself this year, and bring a bestie to grow within the lush sacred grounds at the Art of Living Center. There’s still space to room together, check it out here.


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