78: Gene Keys and The Power of Self-Awareness in Personal Transformation with Victoria Fenton

by neeta bhushan


Talk about personal growth and self-development is everywhere nowadays, and you’ve probably been hearing about all the different modalities you can use to better understand who you truly are. Things like Gene Keys, Human Design — but what do they mean, and what’s the difference? Today on The Brave Table, we’re going to demystify some of these concepts with the only person in the world (!!) to be trained by their founders 20 years ago, Victoria Fenton, and how using these tools to strengthen your self-awareness can accelerate your evolution.

Victoria is a Functional and Performance Medicine Consultant, Human Design and Gene Keys expert, and Transformational Master Coach. She has been in the world of personal development and healthcare for almost 20 years, training with some of the world’s most exceptional doctors and greatest spiritual teachers. Today, Victoria bridges the worlds of science and spirituality, offering truly holistic support for individuals to heal from suffering. Victoria also trains holistic coaches as part of her professional mission to create empowered, self-aware, multi-skilled healers who can aid in the resolution of suffering for others.

For Victoria, being brave means being fully committed to your own trajectory, even when it looks (on paper) crazy and even when it seems crazy to you. There is always something behind an impulse, and she believes being brave is having the courage to follow it and find out what took you there.

What we get into this episode… 

– Why it’s important to have good stress in your life

– What’s possible when you follow your intuition

– How to pivot your life path and career, even when it might not “make sense” 

– How to combine all your experiences and gifts to create your niche

– Why an integrated approach to healing is necessary (and why mindset is not enough)

– What are Gene Keys, and how they help you on your growth journey

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Make sure you also check out…

– Victoria’s program at https://unveilacademy.com and get a reading from her at https://unveilhumandesign.com 

– Follow @neetabhushan @thebravetable

– Find her on Instagram @victorialfenton, @theunveilacademy and @aletheiaclinic

Episode 76: How To Be Multidimensional and Going Through Life Transitions with Sahara Rose

Episode 74: How To Heal Past Wounds, Integrate, and Build Radical Self-Awareness with Dr. Neeta Bhushan

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If you’re ready to change directions in your life and embrace your multidimensional self like Victoria did, then join us at Dharma Coaching Institute this Fall at https://dharmacoachinginstitute.com/dci/enrollment/


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