Alright, Brave Table fam, this is a super FUN episode. How can we use play to nurture trust, strengthen ourselves physically and mentally, and connect deeper with others? One answer is AcroYoga, and I’m so excited to have with me for this conversation the Co-Founder of the AcroYoga movement and author of Move, Connect, Play: The Art and Science of AcroYoga — the amazing Jason Nemer!
Jason’s work was featured in Tim Ferriss’ New York Times bestselling book, Tools of Titans. He’s also coached big-time names like Sergey Brin and Ashley Judd and has brought his training to team-building events for major companies like Google, FourSigmatic, and TrueX.
Jason is a rockstar when it comes to turning sucky life moments into big, juicy dreams. Instead of succumbing to injuries he endured as a young acrobat, he found lessons and wisdom in his setbacks so he could fly forward (literally and figuratively!) into performing at the opening ceremony of the 1996 Olympics! It was here that Jason experienced a visceral sense of community for the first time and knew it would be his mission in life to cultivate the same experience for others. With his business partner Jenny Sauer-Klein, they would go on to birth AcroYoga into this world!
You definitely want to tune in for Jason’s story, loves. Plus soak up all the knowledge and profound insights he has to share. Here’s a taste of what we talk about…
– How to stop people-pleasing and prioritize what feels good to you
– The value of being patient and slowing down
– Strengthing your relationships through trust-building and play
– Being unapologetic about your own self-care
– How to start viewing selfishness in a positive light
– How AcroYoga can help create more peace and harmony
– Why it’s so important to play in relationships
– Testing your physical and mental limits and realizing you’re much stronger than you think!
Make sure you also check out…
– Jason’s website at where you can get your FREE copy of his 5-day Trust Challenge!
– Grab a copy of his book on Amazon (also available at all major retailers)
– Find him on Instagram at
– If you loved this episode, you’ll also love the one I did with Aaron Alexander: Being in Alignment With Yourself
– And this one with Emily Hirsh: Taking Ownership of Life Circumstances by Reframing Your Reality To Make It Work for You
– And with my soul brother Erwin Valencia: The Power of Connection in Friendships & Long Lasting Relationships
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