33: Dr. Mariza Snyder: A Journey Back to Loving Yourself, Women’s Wellness, Hormones, Fertility and More

by neeta bhushan


Hey Brave Table fam, thanks for joining me for this week’s episode with the absolutely incredible Dr. Mariza Snyder. 

Dr. Mariza is a functional practitioner, hormone expert, author (of 8 best-selling books!), wife & mama, wellness advocate, and host of the podcast, Essentially You with Dr. Mariza. She has been featured on Dr. Oz, Oprah Magazine, Fox News Health, and MindBodyGreen.

After healing from her battles with chronic illness, fatigue, and basically a full-body meltdown, Dr. Mariza has dedicated her life’s work to helping others—especially women—balance their hormones and empower them with holistic solutions. 

Tune in to hear her incredible life story (like emancipating herself as a teenager, how she battled her limiting beliefs to find success, and how she healed from her childhood traumas) plus her tips to improve your well-being and level up your health. 

What you’ll get out of this episode… 

– Why your hormones go out of whack during pregnancy (and how to have some grace with your miraculous body!)

– What your menstrual cycle can tell you about your health

– The two keys to balancing your hormones and why balancing your hormones is one of the best things you can do for your health

– The importance of nutrition, the best types of foods to eat, and the supplements you need to thrive

– Why you need to slow down and rest, especially as type A, overachieving women 

– How to overcome your limiting beliefs and challenge your thoughts

– The number one reason why so many women burn out and sacrifice their health

As a little girl, Dr. Mariza’s mantra was “you gotta survive”. Raised in a hectic household by a single mom, her stress response system was constantly lit up, responding to the craziness and chaos that surrounded her. At only 12 years old, Dr. Mariza had her brave AF moment when she moved in with her father and step-mother and started working towards emancipating herself from her mom (yes, at TWELVE years old!)

But eventually, Dr. Mariza’s hustle caught up with her in the form of fatigue, thyroid issues, Hashimoto’s—basically, everything in her body was off. Doctors kept giving her solutions like birth control and Xanax (to which she said “hell no!”), and she kept falling flat on her face. So, tapping into her unstoppable drive, she did all the research herself and uncovered she could cure herself of these diseases through good hormone health.

Dr. Mariza realized this whole situation was so much bigger than just her—it spoke to the entire way women are treated in the healthcare industry and why so many women end up with the same issues she did: from constantly feeling like we have to prove our worth, whether to our parents, to those we take care of, or to ourselves—coming back full circle to how life was with her mom. 

So, Dr. Mariza ditched the biochemistry lab to dedicate herself to what she does today: help women balance their hormones through holistic health solutions and live healthy & abundant lives. 

If you enjoyed this episode, make sure you check out…

– Dr. Mariza’s website at https://www.drmariza.com/ and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/drmariza/ 

– Grab a copy of her latest book, The Essential Oils Menopause Solution here ​​https://join.drmariza.com/menopausebook/
– Listen to her podcast https://www.drmariza.com/podcast/ 

– Learn more about The Dutch Test https://dutchtest.com/ 

– More about wellness and holistic health with Jovanka Ciares [link]

Before you go, I want to make sure you know about my new Burnout Kit. So many of you have told me you’re feeling run down and need something to help you get out of your slump. Dr. Mariza’s story is actually a perfect example of what can happen to our health when we let our burnout get out of hand. So, I have just the tool for you!

These journal prompts are FREE and will help you get to the root cause of your burnout so you can start to take the action steps to get back to your usual, energized, and vibrant self! Grab your free copy today at https://globalgrit.co/burnoutkit. Thanks for being here, and see you next time!


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