14: How To Know If You Are Ready To Pursue Your Purpose & Change Your Life

by neeta bhushan


Hey Brave Table fam, I have a question for you: have you ever asked yourself if you’re truly pursuing your life purpose? This episode is for anyone who might be going through a life crisis right now or a pivotal shift. Maybe you’ve ended a relationship, just left your job, experienced a loss — whatever it is, you’re going through an initiation or awakening of some kind, and you know you need to make a change. 

There are a few different ways you can approach it. You could ignore it and hope things get better or put a temporary bandaid solution on it, but eventually, the fall will be SO big that you’ll be forced to look at it. So, why not start now?

First, I want to give you permission to feel uncomfortable with it all. Change is scary! But it’s what we need to ignite us into the next stage of our evolution. Use this as your opportunity to explore, try new things, and say YES to new potential and ways of being. 

You have a life purpose. Period. Everyone does. And sometimes you might just need a little guidance in figuring out what it is. So I want to tell you about (DCI) Dharma Coaching Institute. 

This is the first-of-its-kind dual certification to be a soul purpose & spiritual life coach. If you’re the giver in relationships, this could be the key to unlocking your secret gift. Or even if you’re not sure about becoming a coach, but you’re just looking to discover parts of yourself that are dormant, this is the course that could change your life. 

We get into critical life skills like how to have difficult conversations, how to create habits that are going to fuel you, developing a wealth & abundance mindset, healing the patterns of your upbringing and so many more juicy lessons. 

We’ve had hundreds of students pass through already and our next Spring cohort starts in April and doors have opened to DCI Dharma Coaching Institute. So check it out at https://dharmacoachinginstitute.com/ and find your Dharma Archetype by taking the quiz! https://www.dharmaarchetypequiz.com/. And I’m hosting a very special Q & A session to answer all of your questions on becoming a spiritual life coach on Sunday, March 27th – so mark your calendars!
I wish I had this training when I was going through my own awakening and I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to share it with you!

Some of the juicy nuggets you’ll get out of this episode

  • What it means to discover your dharma and how to take the first step in creating a life that you truly love
  • How to be okay in your discomfort and use it as your cue to seek something bigger
  • How to stop living in guilt, fear, and shame and worrying about what people think of you
  • Calling in an exciting new chapter and the next phase of your evolution
  • Learning how to create boundaries and identifying what you won’t settle for any longer
  • Leveraging your innate gifts to help others heal

Thank you for being here, loves! I hope you loved this episode, and if you did, I would be SO grateful if you could leave a review. This will help other brave souls like you find the show. I appreciate you all so much!

Also, heads up that today is your LAST CHANCE to enter my giveaway and WIN some amazing prizes, like a book bundle of incredible reads, my fav tonic superfood elixir from @drinkmudwtr, and one lucky winner will get a pair of Apple AirPods Pro!

It just takes 3 easy steps:

1. Follow @thebravetable on Instagram

2. Submit an iTunes review

3. Enter at thebravetable.com/giveaway

I’m so deeply grateful that you’re here. See you next time!


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