76: How To Be Multidimensional and Going Through Life Transitions with Sahara Rose

by neeta bhushan


“So, what do you do for a living?” Do you draw a blank when someone asks you this question? Not because you don’t know how to say what your career is (which is usually what they want to know), but because you know you are SO much more than that. Rather than associating yourself with what you do, you want to express who you ARE — and who you are is multidimensional, multi-passionate, and someone who can’t be placed in a single box. If this sounds like you, consider this episode your call to step into something more. 

Welcome to The Brave Table. Joining me in this episode is my incredible co-founder Sahara Rose from Dharma Coaching Institute (DCI), the first-ever institute to offer a dual certification as a Soul Purpose Coach and a Spiritual Life Coach. Sahara is the host of the #1 spirituality podcast in the world, the Highest Self Podcast, with more than 30 million downloads. She is also the creator of Rose Gold Goddesses and author of Discover Your Dharma, with a foreword written by Deepak Chopra.

Here’s what we get into in this episode… 

– What it’s like to be a dharma coach

– What it means to be called into the next stage of your evolution

– How to interweave all your gifts and bring your full self to the table

– How to make time for growth

– Taking the time to check in to see what is out of balance

– And so much more 

I KNOW you will get so much out of this conversation, so let’s get into it today with my friend and co-founder, Sahara Rose.

Make sure you also check out… 

– Join our Day In the Life of a Dharma Coach workshop, happening on Tuesday, October 3rd https://dharmacoachinginstitute.com/workshop/

– Check out the multidimensional video series at https://dharmacoachinginstitute.com/dci/dharma/video/series/ 

– Ready to become a Dharma Certified Coach? Enroll for the Fall cohort of Dharma Coaching Institute at https://dharmacoachinginstitute.com/dci/enrollment/ and use the code “NEETA” for $150 off!

– Find Sahara on Instagram @iamsahararose and DCI @dharmacoachinginstitute

Episode 7: Pursuing Your Dharma To Be Your Highest Self with Sahara Rose

Episode 14: How To Know If You Are Ready To Pursue Your Purpose & Change Your Life

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