154: From Crisis to Creation: Surviving Near-Death, Embracing Motherhood & Braving Entrepreneurship with Amber Lilyestrom

by neeta bhushan


Quote: “All I felt was this like divine, perfect, inexplicable, beautiful love, and it was just like this peace… But I wonder, that if when we do die–if that’s what we’re actually met with–what is it that we’re so afraid of while we’re here living?” – Amber Lilyestrom

Hey, Brave Table! I’m so excited about this extraordinary episode featuring the unstoppable force that is Amber Lilyestrom. Get comfortable, because we’re going deep into Amber’s awe-inspiring journey of bravery, resilience, and transformation. Her story is a living testament to the profound impact of embracing change, trusting your instincts, and crafting a life that resonates with your desires.

In this episode, we talk about…

  • Embracing life’s fullness, reconnecting with the body, and shifting perspectives.
  • Acting on faith, opening doors to new opportunities, and conquering fear and societal norms.
  • Transitioning careers, stepping towards alignment, and living on purpose. 

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Amber has been featured by Forbes, Entrepreneur and Working Mother Magazine.  She is the author of multiple books, including Paddle Home, Master Your Money Mind and co-author of Quantum Wealth.

She is a trauma survivor, an infertility warrior, an adoptive mama, a former D1 athlete with her Master’s degree and 20 years of pro experience in marketing, sales, branding & teaching. 

Amber has also produced hundreds of live events throughout her career and now hosts epic retreats and experiences like the IGNITE Your Soul Summit AND she helps her increase their impact to do the same. 

Connect with Amber:

If you loved this episode…

  • You’ll love Episode 101: Being Brave in Breakups, Listening to Your Intuition, Miscarriages, Somatic Healing, and New Love with Dr. Jen Esquer. Apple | Spotify
  • You’ll want to listen to Episode 83: How to Step Into the Best Version Of Yourself Before Becoming a Mama with Melissa Ambrosini. Apple | Spotify
  • Episode 39: Second Chances at Life, Manifesting through Contrast, and Responsible Leadership with Jenna Phillips Ballard is also inspiring. Apple | Spotify

Discussion Question:

What moments of resilience and courage in your own or someone else’s journey have inspired you to embrace change and transformation?

Join the conversation on Instagram @thebravetable

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